Senior Industrial Designer & Design Lead
Mitch is one of Vert’s core team members with over 14 years of experience as a Senior Industrial Designer. Known as a jack of all trades, master of none, Mitch has practical experience across a wide range of product categories from traditional consumer product design, electrical goods, medical & scientific products, heavy industrial equipment and right through to public art installations and sculptures. These hard won skills translate across into each new design project, where previous learnings are used to inform the solutions of the next. Mitch’s key areas of expertise lies in “Design for Manufacturing”, as well as detailed Parametric CAD and free-form surface modelling. With a keen eye for detail, he has a way of balancing art and engineering within the realms of Industrial design.
Mitch’s design process involves developing product concepts from the ground up, designing them through to prototype testing and release for manufacture. He creates innovative, practical and meaningful product concepts and solutions, enjoying the process of visualisation, idea generation and experimentation with materials and methods of manufacture. As an experienced designer, he understands the importance of innovation and idea protection. He has developed an understanding of how patents work and how they can be worked around as well as the research skills to decipher those patents that already exist. Mitch believes IP is a key asset to any business and is the core function of their product, so to protect this increases its inherent value.
At the heart of it, Mitch is inquisitive and loves to go deep into understanding how things work, how they’re made and how they can be improved upon. His focus is on building products that are the best they can be for everyday use. Mitch uses aspects of reverse engineering to identify the features of a product or system that may cause them to fail, both from a perspective of user interaction and human experience, as well as through a sustainable lens. Ensuring longevity and designing out obsolescence so that products last longer is important to Mitch.